Thursday, September 26, 2013

House Day 33 - Hurricane Strap and Clip Day

Lulu was absolutely bored by the metal clip job today. It seems that anything you can't see is a waste of time to her. 

THURSDAY - In 1992 - Hurricane Andrew with its 150 MPH winds ripped apart Miami and Homestead on the southern tip of the peninsula. In a panic the legislature passed some very stringent laws to beef up home construction. Even though we live 500 miles north of Andrew's path - the same laws apply to builders up in the Panhandle.

All day today you could hear Gary and Joe's nail guns banging away like a machine gun.

150 clips were used - each requiring 15 nails to hold it in place. Wherever a truss crossed over a wall - a clip had to be placed. Also every 4 feet - a strap had to be placed to join the studs with the overhead plate. It is certainly overkill - but this house with all the clips - the 2 x 6 wall studs - and the 3/4 inch plywood on the roof and walls - will be virtually hurricane proof. Windows must also be tests for 150 MPH winds.

Our present house was built in 1980. I went up into the attic looking for metals clips and straps - nothing. Two toenails from the truss into the plate is all that holds our roof on. Still it has survived 33 years just fine.

Each truss is clipped along the two north/south walls and also along the two beams on the perimeter of the porch. When the porches are completed they will each have 6 - 8 x 8 fiberglass columns also holding the roof down or holding the roof up - your choice. There will be steel straps inside the column connection the roof to the concrete foundation.

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