Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 8 - Laying Out the Foundation

It is fun watching others work - especially if they are using big machines. 

Today was a busy day at the work site. First - the bull dozer was moving dirt around to make a flat spot for the house. We wanted to keep the porch floors lower than 2 feet - so they do not require a hand rail. 

Next - we laid out the corners of the foundation. We established a plane with cross strings.  It is simply a big 60 x 60 square. The front porch will be about 20 inches off the ground - the back porch will be about 10 inches above the ground. 

The work toilet arrived. Then the lumber yard took two loads of logs away. Finally - the silt fence guy came to put up the required plastic fence around the perimeter. This prevents mud and silt from washing onto the street. 

Final note - the next 4 days I will be in Pennsylvania. My son Keith is getting married and all the family will be there. I will be back on the job site Sunday night. I hope they can get along without me :-)

That's Joe Shiver - Gary's big brother. Joe is working on the forms for the foundation. The tent is the faculty room - every now and then we take a break there from the heat.

The lumber company finally took most of the pine logs away. They will be recycled into new plywood.  They put the logs on a big lathe and peel them off in thin wood layers. Then they glue the layers together in a zig zag pattern. 

The panoramic view shows the entire house foundation. It is 60 feet by 60 feet. That includes the porch. The rooms are all on one floor except there is an unfinished 1200 square foot attic for storage.

They took out two loads of logs - one more load tomorrow.

We used a laser transit to shoot the measurements for the foundation. This is the northeast corner. All of the water - sewer - and gas lines are buried in the foundation. If one breaks - it will take a jack hammer to get at it.

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