Friday, August 16, 2013

Rain Slowed Us Down Today - But They Still Trudged On

The root ball comes out easily when still attached to the tree. On a wet day the sandy soil is even softer.  After the root ball is out - they did out the stray roots. The loader shakes off the root ball and puts it in the dumpster. Everything goes to the landfill - where we pay by the pound to get rid of it - thus we want to keep the soil home. 

DAY 5 SEMINOLE DRIVE - It rained quite a bit today but work trudged on. The brick house is completely gone. All of the concrete is gone from the sidewalks and some of the driveway. We kept a section of the old driveway to service the garden.

Most of the time today was spent pushing down pine trees and cutting them up in sections for the sawmill. Mud caked the tires of the truck and also the treads on the loaders. They had to stop for service from time to time.

More rain is expected all weekend and much of next week. We are shooting to have site preparation done on Monday.

The demolition company makes a little money sending the logs to market. It is also means less sent to the landfill. In the old days - they would just burn it all on the lot.

As soon as the site is ready - we will lay out the foundation. My builder Gary is a smart fellow. He pretends I am helping.

This loader can life 34 tons

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